TECH INFO provides
hosting facilities for providing your own web site on the Internet.
We can register and set up for you (or your company), your own "domain
name" (your own web site) on the world wide web. This allows you
to advertise your products and services and people / customers to contact
you via your own web site. For example, if your company name is "Riverview"
and your name is "Frank", people could contact you by e-mail
at [email protected] and browse your web site at http://www.riverview.com.au
(provided this domain name is not already registered to someone else!)
The major benefit of this service to you is that your own web site is
hosted on the TECH INFO hardware and communications equipment thereby
saving you money and headaches. People all over the world will be able
to contact you and your business through your own web site.
The cost of this service is $440.00 per annum per site inc GST.
This fee covers the cost of TECH INFO setting up for you:-
- The registration
fee for your domain name,
- (Up to) 10Mb of
hard drive / web space available to you,
- Setting up the
domain on our name servers and web server,
- Allocation of a
fixed IP address if required for mail server operation (usually required
for MS Exchange)
- Setting up e-mail
addresses and alias setup on our mail servers,
- Registration of
your web site with the major search engines commonly used,
- Daily tape backups
of your website information,
- Installation of
MS FrontPage extensions to allow access / publishing via MS FrontPage
- MySQL database
with phpMyAdmin administration interface (if required)
- asp, php and perl
scripting languages
- Access to your
site via FTP,
- Basic spam and
virus filtering (free of charge) for all mail processed by our servers
- Hosting of your
site for 1 year on the TECH INFO equipment.
This option allows
you to use mail addresses in the form shown above eg. [email protected]
All mail for the domain is forwarded through to your 'real' e-mail address
eg. [email protected]
The cost of this service is $220.00
per annum per site inc GST.
This fee covers the cost of TECH INFO setting up for you:-
- Annual registration
/ re-registration of your domain name
- Set up domain on
Tech Info name servers and mail servers
- Delegation of
domain name to Tech Info servers
- Allocation of a
single fixed IP address for your web site from our address pool (if
- Set up e-mail collection
for your domain and forwarding to your e-mail Address
- Daily tape backups
of your mail files
- Basic spam and
virus filtering (free of charge) for all mail processed by our servers
- Hosting of your
site for 1 year on the TECH INFO equipment
An application form for setting up virtual domain hosting
is available from our web site.
If you have any other queries not covered in this document, please call
the office during business hours.